It’s Frugal Friday, hosted by Biblical Womanhood. My tip for today is (I don’t know, maybe this one makes me just “cheap”, LOL!) that I repackage cheaper shampoos into my “children’s” themed shampoo bottle!
They think that they are getting pampered with the cute little fishy shampoo…the never realize that I just keep refilling the bottle! (Let’s just keep that one between us! We wouldn’t want word getting out in my home!)

On with the wild adventures at my home….Joshua caught this little guy yesterday. He sure was cute, but I’m glad it was Joshua holding him and not me!

This is the progress that I’ve made on the dishcloth! I was so excited to finish it yesterday! I’m hoping to get some finger puppets finished today.
Prayer Requests
Please pray as I start a couple of new projects today.
Pray for my mom. She’s decided to take Josh fishing over the weekend. She’s not really been feeling very well, so I’m a little concerned for her to be out, but it’s very important to her to spend these kinds of moments with my children ….please just remember her today.
Continue to remember my Uncle Buster as he recovers from surgery.
Please remember to stop and pray for your husband today. This is so vitally important for them and yet, as wives, sometimes we forget! Pray that the Lord would guide his steps and speak to his heart as well as bless his efforts as he works to provide for your family.
Today I’m Thankful For
A moment, as quick as it may have been, to visit with my dear friend, Mrs. Blackwell yesterday!!
My son having a “moment” with his Grandmother this weekend. I’m sure it is something that he will never forget.
An early start this morning! (I’ve been slacking in the mornings this week!)
Having the laundry already washed and ready to hang on the line this morning (when the sun decides to show it’s bright face!).
Finding Jacob’s birthday gift for $20.00 less yesterday on EBay, I love that site!
Tracy’s Task
I have to re-access my holiday preparations today. Last week, I made several food purchases and finished some gift items but I haven’t made note of them. If you don’t stay on top of these things then you will forget what you already have done!
What I’m Learning
Paul and I went over into the toy department of Walmart to begin to figure out what we would purchase for our children for Christmas this year. He asked me what I was thinking we might buy and I told him, I didn’t know. I explained the problem that I was facing so, he decided he would go over and look with me. After 30 minutes of walking up the isles, he said “wow, there really is nothing for kids to play with”.
There are pretty much no good toys for children at Walmart. Why is this? Is it that hard to find toys that children would really like to play with? They do have games and we are hot wheel people, but there really is almost nothing else there of value for children.
Paul and I are trying to figure out what to purchase for our children for Christmas. We are running into a few things: either they are horribly over-priced (which I believe is the case with most board games!), they play by themselves (they take batteries and offer no opportunity for children to use their imaginations, not to mention the frustration of having to replace them constantly), or they are poorly made. We used to purchase Barbies for my daughters…their outfits are so horrible that I wouldn’t even consider purchasing one anymore….we certainly aren’t into “BRATZ”….I’m shocked that parents let their children play with these!
It’s very frustrating as a parent. We do have our old stand-by’s which are “Little People”, but you only get away with that for so many years. I was excited to see Thomas on the market again but was disappointed when I realized that all of the accessory pieces are now plastic instead of wood. For my younger girls, there are baby dolls…but what happened to the sweet Newborn Nancy’s? Some of the dolls in stores right now are scary looking! Or again, they require batteries!
We just want sweet toys that the children can actually play with! Is this really such an odd request?? I’m hoping with Christmas coming, they will stock the shelves with more of a selection!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Ps 25:16-22
“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish. Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins. See how my enemies have increased and how fiercely they hate me! Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you. Redeem Israel, O God, from all their troubles!
Because He is gracious,