Moving day is almost here! Paul is still working
on the final drafts of my permanent blog home. It’s
looking really nice…he’s really worked hard.
I didn’t get a chance to blog yesterday. We were
busy all day, first with the people that came to
clean out our septic system and next with me going
to a workshop on organizing photos….more on this
My praise report for today is as follows:
The women (my friends), in my sons’ scout group. I
think that God placed these people in my life…and
I love them all. (You know who you are!!) I’m
glad that little Emma is a little older and we can
come as a family on Thursday nights!
I spoke with the Blackwell family yesterday…they are
definitely doing better.
Our septic system was emptied with no problems! We
were expecting it to be a bigger ordeal than it
was….I’m so glad that it went so smoothly! I’m
sure everyone is glad to know that this is today’s
picture. My men (well, some of them) standing
beside the hole in the ground…all disgusted but
unable to look away. I guess it’s a guy thing!
I’m finally getting my closet organized. I’m so
glad for the progress that I’ve made. It’s so hard
to be such a big family in such a small space…you
have to stay very well organized. It’s really
beginning to come together.
My prayer requests are:
The Fuchs family still has a sickly little one.
I think that they are taking him to the Dr. today.
Please pray health and healing over this family.
My Mom. She’s supposed to go for a post surgery
follow up again in March. I don’t think she’s
feeling all that great these days.
Me. I woke up this morning with a horrible migraine
headache. I was just thinking a few days ago it
had been months since I’d had one…this is not a
feeling I ever miss. I do have to say I’ve had them
a lot worse than this one. Hopefully it will pass
Things I’m learning this week:
Did you know that if you get Sharpie marker on a wall
or surface (in this case, it’s our deep freeze —Ben
strikes again!), that you can draw over the top of it
with a dry erase marker and it will wipe off?
That writing on the back of a photo with anything
other than a photo safe pencil (even a photo safe
marker is bad) can damage a photo over time? I’ve
always used a photo safe pen but until last night I
never thought about the little indentions, even
small, that are left on a photo when you label it this
way. Over time, it can really leave your photos a
Last night, as mentioned before, I participated in
a photo organization workshop. This is great for me
because I seem to have negatives and photos coming
out my ears sometimes. Even though we went to digital
a number of years ago, I still had never taken the
opportunity to organize the photos that I already
I will have to admit, I’m a big scrapbooker, it’s not
as special to me as quilting…but I love it. Organizing
and protecting your photos go way beyond just saving
memories to look through on rainy days when the children
are grown. It really is a way that you can pass your
faith to generations beyond your children and your
grandchildren. My husband and I view my scrapbooking
as a way to share with many generations from now the
foundation (the spiritual foundation amongst others),
that we feel we are putting down for them now. In the
pages of a scrapbook I can jot down my favorite recipes,
pictures of my child with the chicken pox….along
with my favorite remedies, special projects that we have
done with our children, letters that we write to them
every year on their birthdays, reasons why they are
each special to us (as if I could even begin to list all
of these!), and the spiritual lessons that we want them
to know.
This is, in a way, one avenue to live out the verse in
Deut. 6 that says:
“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon
your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about
them when you sit at home and when you walk along the
road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them
as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your
We use our scrapbooks as one way to take all of these
events that happen to us and reinforce the Biblical
lessons that we can learn from them.
We hope that these lessons can be passed down for
generations…even long after we’re gone. It’s all
part of leaving a legacy to our children.
Have you ever given thought to what your legacy will
be to your children? Our days were numbered even before
we were born…make it a priority to leave a remembrance
of yourself that will teach about the most important
part of your life, your faith, to those you leave behind.