How many times do we have plans and ideas and thoughts on things we want to do with our children?
I wish I could say I was better about following though. The truth is I have lots and lots of ideas and very little time, as most days are full of what must be done to make our family go. *smile*
Some mornings are just different. We need a little something to jazz up the day and start things off with some excitement.
Thank you Pinterest (and this post!) for the Shirley Temple recipe. I haven’t had one of these since I was about 11- it was thrilling!!
We invited our teddy bears and baby dolls to breakfast and ended with lots of smiles and giggles.
(I decided to make more time for things like this at the beginning of 2015. Children stay little for such a short time.)
My grandparents always ordered me shirley temples when I went out with them. Now that I want my littles to experience them I don’t seem them ever on a menu! Thanks for the recipe!