We have officially had the flu in our home for a couple of weeks.
Joshua was first, then Jacob, then Paul, then Jackson, now it’s Ben and Meredith.
There are times when a virus comes and will hit everyone at once. This isn’t one of those times…it’s taking it’s sweet time.
As it turns out, the week before Joshua got sick, I had decided to order a Young Living starter kit to try in my home.
When he started feeling symptoms, we immediately began to research and treated him with what we had in the starter kit. It took a couple of days, but he was over it and better.
Jacob, thinking applying oil was ridiculous, refused to try the oils. He is STILL not well. He ended up at the doctor and with three medications. He’s still not 100%. In fact, I’m not sure he’s 80%.
Paul decided it was worth the try. Within a minute, or two, of just trying the first oil, his nose was open and he could breathe clearly. We started diffusing the oils into the air.
I’m not going to say they have cured everyone…this bug is clearly making it’s rounds through our home, but it IS making things much more tolerable.
In fact, the horrible cough that accompanies this illness is GONE for hours after we use the oils. The little ones are up playing and feel so much better. They are actually asking now for us to re-apply them when they start to feel bad again.
To add to the benefits we are seeing, our home improvements have meant lots of fumes…and because our contractor smokes, though he’s outside the back door, he does leave that door open. It’s not unusual for us to smell smoke long after he has gone.
Last night, we decided to plug a diffuser into the family room with purification oil (one of the blends that came in the kit). Within a half hour or so, the odor was completely
GONE! I’m planning to try it on paint fumes a little later today!
I actually have been using essential oils for a few things for several years. I wasn’t sold on the Young Living brand, necessarily (and not for any particular reason), but I did realize when I started pricing out the starter kit that this was a VERY GOOD deal for all you receive when you order.
So this is was our experience with our order:
Box arrives (Hurray!)

It’s amazing and I like it just as well as the one I purchased from Young Living.
(With the kit, the Young Living box as a whole comes out less expensive …broken out, the individual diffuser is less expensive through Amazon (or was- when I looked for it on Amazon this morning, it was just as much as the YL diffuser and I could only find them in magenta!).
Young Living diffuser (lights off), retails for $75.00

I was really expecting the essential oil thing to be mostly hype. I have been *very pleasantly* surprised!!
Do you use essential oils? Do you have a favorite use for your oils?

I LOVE my YL oils! Favorite? Well, that all depends on what’s going on . . . sore throat – Thieves; headache – Pan Away; upset stomach – Peppermint; anxious / nervous – Valor; bad cold – capsules w/a mixture of Thieves, Frankincense & a carrier oil; tired in the middle of the day – lemon; stuffy nose – eucalyptus; So many choices, so many solutions!
I haven’t tried Young Living oils but I’ve had some other oils that I’ve used for several years. We’ve had hit or miss success with using oils for sickness–sometimes it works great and sometimes it doesn’t. I think with oils, starting at the first sign of symptoms is key!
I’m saving for a diffuser–would be easier to use than just a pot on the stove(which works ok).
Your blog post must have created a run on YL diffusers . . . I’ve been saving up to buy one and when I placed my order yesterday, they were back ordered!!!!