Thank you for the prayers for my family. They have been much needed, and appreciated.
These last few days have been some of the most difficult of my life.
Monday, I was home. It was just a normal day for our family. I *so* miss those days.
Tuesday, we went for a tour of the chemo lab and met with the chemo docs. There were four people, each giving us information. I like most of her doctors. I can’t imagine absorbing all the information they are giving us.
That evening, with most all of the children around, we decided it was time to cut her hair. She’s wanted to donate it to a charity that makes wigs for children. Courtney and Jessica helped me and we cut and styled it into a new “do”. It was really cute and made her look so much younger!
We packaged her long hair carefully, and prepared it for mailing. I had to step out of the room a few times to keep from crying. It was hard, and she is so very brave. I’ve read that gray hair is special because it’s the only hair they can dye for blonde headed children. I will mail it some time later this week.
I’ve never seen my mom with short hair. It’s odd. As I’m writing this (on Friday night), I realize I may only have days to see my mom with *any* hair for some time.
Wednesday, we showed up for surgery at 7. This seemed to go well. Mom was sore, but only needed pain medicine once. Once home, she sat in the family room and chatted with the children. I couldn’t help thinking the question I’ve been thinking this entire time, and that is “how can she look so normal when she is so very sick?”.
Thursday, we arrived back at the hospital for chemo treatments. It was a long day…several hours, when all was said and done. I sat in the waiting room and talked with other families. She was in a room with many other chemo patients. They have them divided into stalls. I was told I could not stay back with her, but I could come and visit. We were able to text on the cell phone while she was being treated.
I was surprised that she didn’t seem nauseated with the exception of the first bit of time she was there….they ended up giving her more medicine to combat the nausea.
Today, (Friday), has been hard.
We went back to the hospital for a Neulasta shot to rebuild her blood count. I could tell on the way home she wasn’t feeling so well.
Thankfully, we’ve still not really had any nausea issues.
I wish I could make her better. 🙁