February 22, 2013

Tracy / February 22, 2013

I. Must. Buy. Groceries.

I am more than a week late.  I looked over our empty pantry shelves last evening and realized I can’t put it off another day.

It seems like these little things should wait…in reality, this isn’t little at all and in spite of my mama’s illness, life does press forward.

Today, I felt postive when we first started our day.

Mama mentioned she would like to go to art with the children.  She showered and dressed.  I left for the grocery store, assuming I would return and they would all leave.

When I arrived home, Courtney told me she had changed her mind.

She said she didn’t feel like going.  She just wasn’t sure she could sit there through the class.

As the day has progressed, she complained a little more and a little more about pain (she’s never been one to complain about not feeling well).  I noticed that every time one of the children bumped her, she would jump.  Each time she laughed, she would hold her stomach.

I almost fear what we will hear next week but I think, if I’m honest, the Lord is preparing my heart.

It’s hard to explain just what I’m feeling to others.  I’m not sure many people get a full picture of my family–I’m scared to be without my mama.

Tonight, we’ve just finished a round of games for family game night.  My mom has chosen so many of these when she’s made thrift store visits.  I think she enjoyed watching everyone laugh and play around the table.  Tonight’s game was Hear Me Out!

I’m thankful for laughter in my home.

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