Happy New Year, my dear friends and family!
How has your year been, thus far??
We’ve had a mixed bunch of events…both pleasant, and not so much.
Monday started for us on a good note. I sat with my planner and began the start of our yearly goals and organization.
A productive day, and full of excitement for me– I love this time of year. Each day seems like an empty canvas just waiting for a beautiful picture!
Wednesday, I wanted to work in what will be our garden this next year. We’ve had so many trees fall this past year, my thought was to use them to line new raised beds.

We finished much of the work I wanted to do, and still had an hour or two left of work time when I stepped on to this:

Yes, it did go through my shoe.
Yes, actually it did go through my foot, as well.
I was ever so proud of Jacob and Jess. I calmly called them to me. I knew I couldn’t move… Jessica brushed back the leaves to expose what I had stepped on….Jacob pulled my foot off while Jessica held the tool in place.
Everyone was calm, and I did manage to walk back up to the house by myself.
The days since, I’ve sat with my foot up, or soaking in an epsom salt solution.
It has been swollen, but not horrible.
I originally thought it would take me a month, or two, to work on this backyard clearing the debris and preparing it for spring. Honestly, I’ve felt a little sorry for myself thinking about the time I was missing clearing the yard while my foot was hurt.
Yesterday, I decided to go back out and try again.
The younger boys had a friend call to ask if they could play. I told him they would be helping me in the backyard for a while. They could play afterwards, but he was welcome to come now and just hang out, if he wished.
When he popped over, he brought his two older sisters. One went into the house to help Jess with a pumpkin she was baking, the other stayed and helped in our backyard.
We had some other children visiting, too.
That work that I thought would take me months to clear? They helped clear almost all of it…and set aside trees for my beds…and keep my littles busy while we worked.
We may have a week, or two, of work left now…
Why do we doubt?? I had been so worried about this backyard. It seemed like a mountain, tall and hard to climb. The Lord took that burden in one, wonderfully unexpected afternoon, and showered blessings.
So in the end, I have lost no time and instead, have gained ground– even with my hurt foot.
God is good!
This morning, it seems much better. I’m walking around pretty well…there is no redness, minimal swelling. Please do pray for healing, if you think on it today.

Ouch, ouch, ouch! I cringed while I read this. You are a brave woman, I would have fainted!
I think the Lord gave me a sense of calm over the entire thing. Normally, I would have been in hysterics!