The Hair-Raising Joys of Raising Boys by Dave Meurer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I purchased this book last year on a clearance sale. I don’t have a whole lot to say (it was a short book!).
Honestly, I figured it wouldn’t contain anything too deep.
I did enjoy some of the stories…they were funny. If you are looking for parenting advice, this is a book you should probably avoid.
I have sons. I found myself a little annoyed that the author continued to compare himself to his young sons. I appreciate the desire to want to have fun, but doesn’t the world have enough grown men who still act like little boys? We need more MEN.
My other issue with this book was what seemed to be the use of manipulation and bribery as a parenting skill.
If you are looking for something of substance to read, I would pass this book on the shelf.
I did give it two stars….if you are looking for something “lighthearted” where parenting is concerned, you might enjoy this book.