How will you look back on 2011??
Month: December 2011
Saying goodbye to 2011…. It’s fun to think back over big moments from the year, but honestly, it’s those little moments, that make our life so special. Waking up in the morning to happy babies jumping into your bed, or a little person who just wants to show you their latest masterpiece. Those are what make daily life wonderful, and…
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Christmas Eve 2011
I’m sure at some point, Courtney will appear with “picture perfect” photos of our Christmas Eve festivities, but for now, you are stuck with my quick pics! *smile* Because Christmas fell on Sunday, and we went to church, we celebrated with our parents on Christmas Eve, (we missed Paul’s brother this year). My Mom baked the most beautiful cake! We…
More Ornament Making
A baby’s first few Christmas seasons is so very special. I’ve been trying to make our littles hand print ornaments each year. Now, when they pull out their ornaments, they hold up their little hands to see how they’ve grown. It makes me smile, and I think of the adults they will someday be, holding their hand up to these…
It’s Been Said…
“But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.” –Thomas Jefferson
Budding Violinist
Emma just completed her first term in violin lessons! She’s been playing frequently….I’ll admit I’m humming that “eggs, eggs, eggs” song, all day, on most days.
Sharing News….
We have had the most beautiful, and unexpected news this week. It would seem, that the Lord is blessing us with another baby in mid-August! Since our little one is only 6 months old, this will be by far, the closest babies we have had. These days, my hair is turning silver around the edges, and little lines have long…