It’s still hard to believe that Jessica has turned 13.
For many years, I wasn’t sure this young lady would see her 13th birthday.
If you are new to my site, Jessica was born with multiple, serious heart issues that eventually led to her having a multiple seizures each day and a heart surgery that can only be described as a miracle to our family.
Amongst the many things we are thankful for this year is the celebration of her 13th birthday….really, a celebration of her life.
Paul and I decided long ago that a 13th birthday should be symbolic and memorable. We want our children to know at 13, there begin to be some added responsibilities and items which we wish them to begin to learn.
The following are a few pictures from Jessica’s party. Courtney took these…aren’t they beautiful?!
Our birthday girl:

A birthday girl with her sister:
Good friends:
Opening gifts:
Treat bags:
Pumpkin Muffins:
Apple Tartlets:
Cinnamon Scones (we served with homemade apple butter), and Cucumber Sandwiches:
Lemonade Ring:
Tables dressed for guests:
Homemade Invitations:
Fruit and Cookies:
What a sweet group of ladies were in attendance. I hope they enjoyed visiting in our home as much as we enjoyed having them here!!