Today has been a pretty good day. The weather is in the mid 60’s, perfect for playing outside! My older children and I lingered for a while out on the deck waiting on a friend to arrive and pick them up for an afternoon play date…it’s beautiful.
My prayer requests today are for our cub scout group. We’re trying to reorganize and we are still dealing with growing pains.
I know now why my friend Tanya was on my mind yesterday. She happened to call last evening and I found out that her Dad, Henry, was going in today for surgery on his rotator cuff. Please keep him in your prayers.
I’m thankful today for my sweet Jessica. She is such a light in my life. There is no particular reason today why I’m thankful for her. Just that she is such a sweetheart……..she is just one more reason in my life for me to be thankful to my dear Lord for all that He has blessed me with!
I’m also thankful for the rosemary that I am growing. When a breeze hits it just right it makes the whole house smell wonderful. I’m planning on picking just a little of it and trying out some infused olive oil when I’m cooking!
My good friend, Kimberly is a good reason to be thankful as well. She is such a joyful person. Just talking to her always makes me smile!
Today I’m learning that you just can’t please everyone. We have had a situation come up in our lives where even though we aren’t directly involved, my husband has been trying to help with it’s resolution. I’m so proud of the way that my hubby handles things. He’s so concerned about this family and their happiness but I have learned that no matter how hard you try, there just is no way to always please everyone. I’m a people pleaser! It really bothers me when I can’t make everyone happy but sometimes you just can’t. It’s a matter that I’ll just have to take to the feet of the Father.
Today’s scripture meditation continues with:
Titus 2:4-5
“Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. NIV
1 Cor 13:4-8
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
Today, I want to focus on how love is shown to a child.
I have found myself struggling to be patient with my children at times. Whether it be because my mind is on other things or just because I’m busy at the moment that one of them wants my attention, I tend to not be the most patient person. We have to realize that we only have our children for such a short time. God has given them to us at this specific time in our lives because these are the people that we are supposed to be spending our time on…not our job, not our friends, here’s one…not even the church.
If you don’t have time to spend with your children because you are working at your church…you need to examine whether you are building His kingdom or not! He would never expect us to put a ministry or a church project above loving and training our children! A lot of churches have so many projects and ministries, that in building their various programs, they are tearing apart the Christian families within their walls….but…..that is a subject for another day!!
Another aspect of loving your child is to not speak badly of them. How many times have you been with a group of women and someone say ugly things about their child. I remember hearing a woman one time say that she just knew that there must be “666” stamped somewhere on her child because he acts like the Devil! What a horrible thing to say! Does this show love? When you are telling all the women in your life all the bad things about your child are you showing love? Would you want your husband telling someone all of your bad qualities or about the issues he is having with you?
We should be willing to always encourage and build our children up. We should never show them anything but kindness…even in the midst of discipline. We should not be easily angered with them…nor remind them of all the bad things that they have done. We should protect them from the things and the people that would hurt them. We should always hope the best for them and always persevere….even when they have tried our last nerve! They should know that our love for them is everlasting…nothing that they can do can take it away.
People make the mistake of seeing their children as just the little kids for which they are responsible until they are of age. There is such a grander scheme involved. The old saying is true “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world!” . It is in these little hearts and minds that all of society rests. We have to show them love, for it is through our love that they will grow to love and they will know the love of our Father.