My oldest sporting a shorter, new hair-do…. and then there is her little brother….
Tag: potd
My sweet girl….
Jess and Ben making dinner….
Making More Detergent….. I definitely like the ZOTE soap better than Fels-Naptha! It works better than anything I’ve tried for removing laundry odors!
Well, these are actually from Christmas….. I’ve been waiting to post until Jacob could finish painting the frame. This was Jacob’s Christmas gift to our family. He bought and stocked an aquarium, and then mounted it into the wall. I think this may well be one of the most loved gifts ever!!
Working on spring projects….
Fairy wings on a two year old. One of my very favorite things.
A small (well-loved), gift for Jon-
Grocery Day….this isn’t even half of what stocks our pantry, but still a mountain of groceries!
I have yet to write an explanation for my POTD- it stands for “Picture of the Day”. I have spent the better part of this last year on research where scrapbooking is concerned. I’ve come to the conclusion with our family growing, re-working how I keep our memories would probably be a good idea. I had heard of Becky Higgin’s…
Wondering why I can’t seem to find anything to write with and a certain two-year-old seems to have no trouble at all-
Friends visit for an evening of fun–