Celebrating Emma

Tracy / November 12, 2010

Emma turned 5 in October. What a sweet joy she is in our home! After cake and gifts, we took everyone to the park:

Strolling Along

Tracy / November 12, 2010

Smoochie went along on her older sister’s morning walk a few weeks back…

Christmas Club- Gift Notebook

Tracy / November 12, 2010

Having a larger than average sized family changes many things. Several years ago, (really several children ago….), Paul and I realized we really needed to keep a running list of gift purchases. I had kept a list before, but it’s always found, or worse(!), I lose it mid-way through the year. *sigh* Now, I keep a little notebook in my…

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It’s Been Said

Tracy / November 11, 2010

“There’s nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate.” –Linda Grayson

Pumpkin Pie

Tracy / November 8, 2010

Most of my family knows what my absolute favorite food in the world is… my Great-Grandmother used to make the BEST pumpkin pie. She always kept them wrapped in the freezer for me and would pop them out at various times of the year. It made me feel so special — I know she did this for other family members…

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It’s Been Said…

Tracy / November 4, 2010

“Close by the jolly fire I sit to warm my frozen bones a bit.” –Robert Louis Stevenson