Ahhh…this week has been so full.
Every single year, I set out to enjoy the time during the summer. I want to slow down, to make memories, to have something real to show for the days.
I’m so thankful for the plan this summer. It’s kept me on track to make sure I’m making time for some things that are out of the ordinary for my children.

This week’s theme was “enjoy the dirt”.
I’ve been contemplating what kind of activity to share with my kiddos this week. The real truth is that there has been plenty of dirt as we’ve been cleaning out and upgrading the chick coop for our growing poultry.

There has been a lot of dirt. A lot of really nasty dirt.
I’ve enjoyed the time working on the project together, but it hasn’t been fun for my little ones.
Today, I sat out and enjoyed the time literally in the dirt, playing with my littles and their Tonka truck collection. We had so much fun. I loved the giggling- I never get enough of that sound.

Speaking of sound, please pop back over early this week. The new challenge is “Enjoy the Sound”.
I’ve got a wonderful new sound I’m going to share. We are so excited and so blessed as the season of life is changing for Paul and I.
If you aren’t quite happy with your summer and the time you have spent with your children, it’s not too late!
Visit the ladies over at Grounded and Surrounded. They have some great ideas for summer projects with your children.