Taken on the 25th anniversary of Paul having asked me to be *his*. He’s my best friend. Thank you, Courtney, for the pictures to capture our day!
Year: 2013
Lots of Work on Hope Chests….
January found me making plans to add some specific items to my older 5 children’s hope chests (if you can call them that…they are, in reality, really big Rubbermaid boxes). Here are some quick picks on my progress: A thrifted find…one of the books on my list of “must-have’s” for each of the girls. For Courtney’s box…a fleece blanket A…
Laverne and Shirley
I haven’t posted a lot about our puppies (that are really almost grown…). When we got Laverne and Shirley, I wasn’t quite sure we would keep them. They were litter mates we were basically saving from going to the local animal shelter. Now, we’ve gotten used to them, and I guess they’ll stay. They are sweet girls. I’ll try to…
Oh, Emma…
There is a line, I know, between allowing a child to be a child. Something about the children in trees makes me nervous…and this is one of my GIRLS.
Newest Project
This is my latest FINISHED project: The frame was a spray-painted, thrifted find. I typed the quote up (with a little help from Courtney), and had it printed as an engineering print (something I learned about on Pinterest). I rubbed paint into it to age it and make it not look like just a printed sheet of paper. It hangs…
Is it Just Me…
or is this weather just odd? This week, aside from the rain, the temperatures have been absolutely perfect! We’ve been re-painting furniture (thank you for the dresser, Jan!)… Courtney is an expert with spray paint!! and working in our yard. (This is a bulb from our 12 disciples plant…I’ve never seen a plant bulb this big!) The forsythia is blooming.…
Yesterday’s Storms
We’re feeling incredibly grateful that yesterday’s storms only brought in clouds and rain. We could do without those nasty tornado warnings. …and if I could just keep these temps a little longer…..
My Hard Working Man…
Have you ever seen a television truck? They are the most massive, amazing things to see…wires and lights all over- people coming and going. Some have rooms that expand out from the sides of the truck. Paul works as a remote television engineer for a local, Christian-owned company. His job has him up, often before the light of day, preparing…
I’m not gonna let myself get carried away with the hope just yet! My girlies have just not been their normal selves…BUT, this morning we got 21 eggs! …and just in time. Most of you know there has been a LOT of talk of chicken pies around here.
Community Fellowship Reminder- February 12th
We would love to have you! Message me for details.
Family Weddings
It was a rare treat, almost a month ago, to attend the wedding of a dear cousin. Spending time with my children, and my mother…. watching a young woman, that I once held as a child- it was quite a perfect day.
Lazy Mornings
Perhaps, one of my favorite things in life is when the children pile into our bed early, each morning. I admire Jacob’s balancing skills. Zoe, our young kitty, not so much. I hope I can remember each and every one of these moments when this season of life has passed and they are each in a home of their own.