Year: 2013
Little House Books
These were just waiting for *us* when we made our last thrift store visit! This set is almost complete….as soon as I can find the missing volume, we’ll add it to Joshua’s hope chest collection. –Quite a blessing!
From My Bedroom
I’ve needed to find peace. Just rest for my body and rest for my mind. I’ve prayed that the Lord would give me peace. This morning, I awoke before anyone else. This is the view from my bed. The Lord is so good! How beautiful are the skies that He alone can paint. It was peaceful, and beautiful, and a…
And She’s Finished
Amazing, isn’t it, how different children can be? Two summers ago, Paul was traveling for nearly two months (and Josh was gone too). Benjamin, decided he wanted to finish his phonics book- start to finish, to surprise his papa when he arrived back home. He worked hard that summer, sometimes doing four or five lessons a day! He did finish…
How to keep a five year old busy for hours….
Cocoa with Paul…
Yum. Just Yum. –Taken on January 29th– celebrating the 3rd anniversary of our first night in this home, and 25 years since he asked if I would be his girl.♥ I love him more today, than yesterday. He is my friend. He is my heart.
Darby and Zoe
It’s fun to see Zoe and Darby together…. If you remember, Zoe was born just before Darby. They are growing up together.
Miss Meredith
Community Fellowship Reminder- February 12th
We would love to have you! Message me for details.
February 2013
As I’ve been pondering the best way to share information, the blogging platform seemed perfect. You’ll have to forgive me as I’ve received so many emails and calls, it’s just hard to keep up with all of them…they are each *SO* appreciated. I want to have time to respond to each one of you- I just find myself crying through…
Jackson’s Hat
We’ve been sewing…I actually made this a while back, but as usual, I post the pics as I have time. 😀