As I’ve been pondering the best way to share information, the blogging platform seemed perfect.
You’ll have to forgive me as I’ve received so many emails and calls, it’s just hard to keep up with all of them…they are each *SO* appreciated. I want to have time to respond to each one of you- I just find myself crying through the response as I have examine my own feelings.
I know it’s not a great reason, but it’s where I am at this moment.
2013 has been an odd year.
The flu, my accident, a courtship in the making–hi’s and low’s, good and bad, it’s been odd, wonderful, and horrible all in just a couple of months.
My grandmother was finally moved to a nursing home closer to home. We’ve all be so excited to visit regularly again. We’ve all missed her and she seems happy to be back, closer to her family.
The Lord has blessed in abundant and unexpected ways. His ways are always good, though we don’t always understand.
My mom, has been experiencing unusual bleeding and pain for months.
She would mention it from time to time, but she passed it off as perhaps being something she ate, mid-life changes, or a virus.
In December, she asked me to go to a museum exhibit with her. I think the Lord was beginning to whisper to me that something was happening.
I saw the pain on her face as she tried to enjoy something she wanted to see terribly.
In the coming weeks, appointments were made. First with an internist, next with a gyn, next for a colonoscopy.
The gyn scheduled a follow-up biopsy. We heard from a gyn oncologist a week later saying that though they didn’t see cancer on the biopsy, they did see pre-cancer cells. With the bleeding and this finding, he thought it best to go ahead and perform a hysterectomy.
I took her to her colonoscopy appointment a week ago. She was laughing as we left– she was sure she had some type of intestinal cancer. She was glad to have had the colonoscopy and been told it came out perfect!
A little later in the week, she mentioned that she felt like maybe this pain was all in her head. She couldn’t understand why she was feeling so bad when they didn’t see anything. The doctor had expressed to me after the colonoscopy that he felt like she would be much better after her scheduled hysterectomy this week. I thought perhaps she had endimetriosis, or fibroids and that he was probably right in that assumption.