Welcome to Lines From The Vine.
I'm Tracy. I'm glad you have stopped by to visit!
I'm a Christian homemaker, and homeschooling mama to 14 precious blessings.
I enjoy reading, homesteading, diy projects, fried green tomatoes, all things crafting/needlework/ related.
Our Homeschool Curriculum:
Oh, my … I remember when Timothy started climbing trees. We have a very T*A*L*L maple tree & when he started climbing to*the*top, I started going in the house! I thought I was better off *inside* praying, than outside worrying! LOL
I know, I know. Watching them, with all their “adventures” is a little frightening!
As a child, I loved to climb trees. We had this very large cottonwood in our front yard. Every spring I would climb up into it and collect as many of the green cotton thingies as I could hold before they opened up and blew their whiteness all over our yard.