First, let me ask– as I try to update things now that we have internet, I would love to visit some of you on your blogs too. Would you mind leaving me a comment with your blog address? I would love to drop in and say “hello” from time to time. <3 Tuesday is always a nice day around our home. Monday's rush is gone, and the week seems to take on a more steady, relaxed path. It's nice..... Yesterday, we stopped off at a local thrift store while we were in town. I'm always so pleased to find something special for one of my littles. Yesterday's "big" find were these:

Sparkle shoes for Miss Meredith. She has been dancing and twirling around the house. Sometimes the most simple of things can bring the sweetest joy.
I remember well when it was Emma with red sparkle shoes.
We once visited the original red sparkle shoes at the Smithsonian. She hugged the case where they were on display and begged to stay “just a little longer”.
Little girls make me smile.
I also found this:

I remember these from when I was little. This one plays a sweet tune and will belong to Darby for now, but Meredith loves the new “la, la, B”, as she calls all music boxes. She listens to it almost daily now.
Speaking of Emma, we recently finished her newest dress. She has long out-grown her “cow” dress (remember this one ladies??), and this time, in honor of Jacob and his chickens, decided she wanted a “chicken” dress:

It fits well, but this pattern was a little odd. The layers of skirt are almost not properly supported by the peasant style neckline. I’m not sure if I’ll make this one again, or at least, if I do I’ll alter the skirt a little so there is not so much weight.
Either way, she is a happy girl….I guess that’s all that matters.
We were *very* blessed when a sweet neighbor dropped by with these….

this is the third time he’s brought veggies by for my family. How very thoughtful are he and his wife. Now to just learn to cook collards….
The okra we’re planning to freeze. It will be nice to add to the collection of meals we’ve been working to add to the freezer. This last weekend we added two casseroles and four bags of chicken broth.

With a family this size, food is always a priority and always a welcome gift!!
We did recently assign an area of our home to food storage:

This will hopefully, become the permanent place for our food storage, freezers, etc. We also hope to add a second fridge to the mix….and Paul is going to build more suitable shelving.
I think we’re always in a state of change. 🙂
I have a few prayer requests today:
- Maria G. -her family has suffered quite a loss this week. Please keep them in your prayer
- My Joshua
- My continual journey to make things more efficient in my home
Today I’m Thankful For
- Okra and Collards 🙂
- Gentle rain and cooler temperatures this afternoon
- Work that we’ve finished around the house
- A new project…I’ll share more on this one later, but here’s a picture of where I am thus far:
- Two skirts I finished for me in the last few days

I hope you all are enjoying a lovely Tuesday!!
With my love,

Love that fabric! 😉
We do too!! (Thank you, again! :D)