Children can be so cruel. I’m not sure why they say the things they do sometimes. The words stick and linger. I think we know that whole saying, “sticks and stones” is just not true. As parents, Paul and I have never embraced the whole “boys will be boys” reasoning behind some parents allowing their children to treat others hatefully.…
Tag: book reviews
Book Review: Really Woolly Nighttime Lullabies
I remember Really Woolly from my younger years! Those sweet little lambs with positive messages sharing faith…I specifically remember having stickers in my sticker collection (did you have a sticker collection?!). Opening this month’s box from Tommy Nelson brought back a flood of memories! I’m glad to share them with my little ones now. Jackson has officially adopted this copy…
Winner: Duck Commander Devotions for Kids
We have a winner! Congratulations, Sarah! You’ve won a copy of Duck Commander Devotions for Kids. I’ve emailed you with details on how to claim your book. I hope you enjoy your copy of Duck Commander Devotions for Kids. If you didn’t win, try back next week! I’m giving away another great book. Woot!
Review and Giveaway: Duck Commander Devotions for Kids
Are there Duck Commander fans in your family? I’ll admit, we have a few around here! We love watching the Robertson family and their adventures. We appreciate the values they bring to our world. This week, we’ve been reading through the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids. This book is well written. I’ve enjoyed working through the devotions with my children…
Book Review- The Hair Raising Joys of Raising Boys
The Hair-Raising Joys of Raising Boys by Dave Meurer My rating: 2 of 5 stars I purchased this book last year on a clearance sale. I don’t have a whole lot to say (it was a short book!). Honestly, I figured it wouldn’t contain anything too deep. I did enjoy some of the stories…they were funny. If you are looking…
Book Review- Bold Love
If you can’t tell, I’m REALLY enjoying Good Reads! Thank you, Courtney, for the suggestion! It’s helping me stay on top of my book goals for this year. So, here goes: Bold Love by Dan B. Allender My rating: 4 of 5 stars When I first started Bold Love, I had a very difficult time following the writer…I think I…
January 2012 Reading List- Book Review
The Little Boy Down the Road: Short Stories and Essays on the Beauty of Family Life by Douglas W. Phillips My rating: 5 of 5 stars Having already planned my 2012 reading list, when a friend suggested that I read this book, I almost tucked it away for next year. I’m so glad that I didn’t! This is one of…