Children can be so cruel.
I’m not sure why they say the things they do sometimes. The words stick and linger. I think we know that whole saying, “sticks and stones” is just not true.
As parents, Paul and I have never embraced the whole “boys will be boys” reasoning behind some parents allowing their children to treat others hatefully. I know that sometimes words are said innocently, but other times, they are meant to sting. We’ve always tried to teach our children to treat others the way they would want to be treated. It’s not perfect, but we sure give it our best.
It’s in those times, that it’s nice to have a good friend. We’ve had held fast to the belief that children will imitate those they are around, so we limit their time with children who aren’t so well behaved. We’ve been blessed as we’ve prayed for each of our children for the Lord to have given them good friends who are a joy.
This month, I was sent a copy of Henry Hodges Needs a Friend, by Andy Andrews. We all need a friend sometimes, don’t we?
They don’t always come in the form we think they might. Sometimes just having a sweet companion makes you feel not quite so alone when the world feels too big.
I loved Henry Hodges Needs a Friend.
My littles were giggling as we read aloud about figure skating hippos, and cows who give chocolate milk.
The illustrations in this book were adorable and engaging. My littles are excited
we added this book to our library.
In the end, Henry finds a friend and is reminded that God ALWAYS knows and provides exactly what we need!
I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher, in exchange for my review. I was not required to give a positive review.