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Year: 2013
He Melts My Heart
…and maybe his papa’s, too.
Yesterday was six months since my dear Mama passed away. I had honestly been dreading the date. I knew it was coming I was silently thinking about it each time someone mentioned an appointment, or I had to look in my calendar for some reason. It just seems too surreal to be true…even so many months later. I couldn’t hold…
Beach Trip
So many of you have been praying for me, praying for my family, knowing the loss we have suffered this year. March brought the news that Mama only had 1-3 years. We hoped for some miracle. We hoped there would be some other news, but each visit only brought more knowledge of the growing cancer in her body. I know…
She Cut Her Hair
I showed those photos to my grandmother. I was expecting sympathy. She laughed and laughed. I suppose we’re taking donations of hats and hairbands now. :/
Joshua left yesterday for The Worship of God conference in North Carolina. He is traveling with a couple of friends. Please be praying for them this weekend. Saying goodbye to my children when they travel is always difficult for me. I’ll admit, I cried as I hugged him. He is a man now. It’s hard to believe. I’m both proud…
House Updates
So many changes. The Lord has been so good to provide us the right people, at just the right time to finish some lingering projects. When I look over these previous months, I feel humbled by His work in our lives and in our home. Here are a few quick pics from the last few weeks: Matthew supervised the little…
Friday Afternoons With Jonathan
With the older two boys working, all the youngest Lamberts sleeping, and everyone else at art class, Jon and I are left alone every Friday afternoon for a few hours. I try to plan something fun each week. I hope he’ll look back with fondness as he remembers this time with me each week. I sure love these moments with…
Jacob’s Birthday, Post 2
A few last minute photos from Jacob’s birthday:
Jacob’s Birthday, Post 1
Jacob asks Paul and I to come and visit him at work when we are out during the week. As his birthday arrived, we thought it would be a good idea to take the whole family for lunch. We didn’t tell anyone but Courtney and Joshua what we were planning. The younger children all assumed we were dressing them for…
Home Improvement- We Begin Again
It seems our home is changing daily. I am elated to see progress and pray the Lord will continue to guide our steps as we plan for what will come next. These are some quick pictures from this morning. Everyone is smiling and ready to start the day! Our home improvement project today will mostly focus on the deck paint.…
Good Morning!
Everyone gathered for a few moments this morning: