First, thank you Aunt Judy! Your card arrived, of course, on a day when I most needed it.
Yesterday, I mailed my mama’s hair off.

I didn’t think it would bother me, but it did. In fact, I don’t think I made it out the door of the post office before the tears began to fall down my cheeks.
You know, I can’t tell you why exactly- just that it’s a piece of the mom I love…a reminder a war is being fought.
She decided from the very beginning of this battle she wanted to donate her hair to Wigs For Kids.
They love gray hair because it’s the only type of hair that can be used to make blonde wigs for children.
This made her happy and in turn, it makes me happy. I smile every time I think of a little one having some relief because of my mom’s sacrifice.
This last few days have been so hard.
She’s felt really bad, I think worse than with the first chemo treatment.
She slept much of the first few days and has been really hurting in her joints.
Today, I’m happy to say, she was much better. She colored with Meredith and folded clothes. She giggled watching one of the neighbors eating a worm on video :D, she experienced life with a dozen and a half week-old chicks and one gosling, and we chatted all about Courtney’s latest happenings. It’s a fully wonderful life. I’m thankful for every minute.

I know to the world, it seems there must be so much happening here for me to have her as well, but we are thankful to have the chance to care for her right now. We enjoy having her in our home. She is a blessing to our family.

Tracy, I worked with your mom for several years and she introduced me to the Cahawba Art Club. I just learned today of her battle. I want her to know that she is truly loved by many. We all want to send our love to all of you, along with well wishes and fervent prayers.
I moved to a new building last year, so I didn’t get to see her like I used to. She’s such a beautiful lady and so kind. When my family was going through a terrible struggle, she gave me hope through her support, something I will never forget. Please let her know that Carol and Kareem love her and we know she’s strong and will beat this.