I’m quickly updating the site.
We’ve been covered in projects and plans….things that all need to be addressed before our new little one arrives in TWELVE WEEKS! (I can’t believe I’m already in my third trimester!!)
I had a doctor visit yesterday.
I guess it went O.K. I’m still waiting for some test results that initially came back “iffy”. No big deal, but I’m not good at waiting.
I did get to see my new little miss….

These pictures were so funny to me. I’ve never gotten an ultrasound photo of a baby’s nose like this. It just looked so tiny and sweet. I think I’m growing impatient to see this little person.

Will be praying for you and your baby. I had a pregancy with 5 months of “not knowing”, but the Lord richly blessed! She is a very robust, outgoing 12 year old today.
My 20 year old daughter just had heart surgery, so I know we “worry”, pray and concern ourselves with our childern, no matter what their age! But, we know Him, who hold it all in His hands! Praise the Lord!
I still haven’t heard anything from my doctor. I’m thinking I’ll call early this next week to see how my tests are coming. I’m not good at waiting on these kinds of things.