Well, as usual, time passes too quickly to blog regularly.
The last several weeks have been a blur. We celebrated three birthdays, and two graduations. We still have a special 13 year old’s tea and then, of course, Thanksgiving and two more birthdays. It makes me tired to think on all of it at once. *smile*
Courtney and Joshua are officially on our car insurance now. They’ve been driving us around town regularly. Both seem to be confident and possibly close to obtaining a driver’s license. My how my life has changed in the last year, and just when I was beginning to think that things seemed as if they would always stay the same.
My pregnancy seems to be going well. I’m sick as usual. Those that know me personally, know I pretty much struggle with morning sickness everyday. Generally, it’s in the morning and at times in the afternoons. This time, I’m OK when I first wake for the day, but by 8 or so, I’m nauseated for the entire rest of the day. It’s been so bad that I’ve found myself needing to lay down just to try and sleep it off. Yuck.
I’m supposed to be visiting my OB next week. I’ll be just a little shy of
my second trimester. I’ll be really glad to see that all is well. Things are just so different this time.
Courtney and I have enjoyed some special time this last week. We started a Wilton cake class that will last four weeks. It’s been fun to see her so excited. I’ve been decorating cakes for years, but never really knowing the right way, or how to make the cake look just the way I wanted. Even the first class taught so much, I walked away dreaming of upcoming cakes I would like to make!!
…and of course, the littles sure don’t mind the homework!
*Giggling* I know you ladies who know me, aren’t going to be shocked at all by what I’ve been working on….
we finally have carpet down our hall.
I passed a home with a HUGE pile of this light colored Dupont Stain Master carpet outside. I thought about it all week. I finally started praying that if that carpet was meant for us, the Lord would just open those doors.
I went back to the house. No one answered the door.
I walked next door and knocked. The neighbor told me that the home is a foreclosure and the city won’t pick the carpet up to haul it away. He told me they would love to have someone take it off their hands. I didn’t think we would ever get it loaded into the truck. It took two trips to get it home. A sweet lady in our church suggested that I unroll it into the front yard and scrub it clean there before we brought it in the house. I was amazed to see all the stains and spots come right off the floor!
Once it was dry, we placed it in the hall and used a staple gun to secure it to the floor. I can tell it isn’t as tight as if a professional had installed it, but hey, it was FREE! You can’t beat that deal!
I was so pleased. I certainly wanted carpet there, but I didn’t want to pay for it until we had finished the other big jobs we have around that area of the house.
Joshua (having worked with our pastor doing trim work this last year), is going to replace and install the trim and floor boards today.
I’m so excited and have gotten lots of compliments. The best part is, I think I have another piece big enough to replace this:
The trick will be stretching an entire room of carpet enough so no one trips…wish me luck!!
Prayer Requests
- Mack- In the hospital
- Paul’s cousin and her new twins
- Unmentioned request for my extended family
- For the old home to sell
Today I’m Thankful For
- A perfectly beautiful day!!
- Joshua has almost installed three more square foot beds into the back yard…we had 18 at the other house. This brings us to 11 (I think), at our new home.
- My dear Paul.
I love that man.
- An awesome ladies’ fellowship this past week!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.”– 1 Peter 3:18
With my love,