I’m always a little unsure of Friday. It’s the week ending, the weekend beginning….I think our weekends aren’t like most. I hear folks going to the mall, watching movies, visiting with friends.
Weekends here are almost like any other day (well, Saturday anyway!). We have chores to complete. The children and I may finish up some school work or sewing projects. We try to prepare the family for church on Sunday so there is no big rush on Sunday morning.
Friday is just an odd day.
Enough about that (I’m not even sure why I’m thinking about such a thing, but such is life. : )
You’ll be happy to know, we finished working the corn (well, partially…it’s waiting on jars now). Cleaning fresh corn is “no big deal” when you have all of these guys. Ben was in charge of delivering the corn to be husked and silked. Courtney washed it and the rest of us worked to prepare it for Courtney’s washing. It was that simple and took all of ten minutes! I love teamwork!
Last night, we sat down to the most delicious meal of field peas and fresh corn…it’s a perfect southern dinner and it was a perfect (and slightly cool!) summer evening.
As for our updates,
Miss Meredith has had enough of watching the piano practice in the house.
She found the keyboard Joshua had set up and decided to try it for herself. She was so funny standing there on those perfect, chubby little legs, swaying with the music she was playing.
I think that’s it for me today. I’m tired and there just isn’t much to say. The neighborhood dogs have kept me up for a few nights straight. I am just not myself when I don’t have sleep.
Prayer Requests
- A neighboring family, traveling today.
- Paul- he has a couple of meetings today. Please pray for him.
- It looks like the old house, that we thought we had sold, still needs a buye
Today I’m Thankful For
- A great visit to the bread store (I’ll post those details in a bit)
- Popcorn
- The new site here that is making my blogging SO much easier
- Time out with my dear Paul, this morning (is it pathetic that our grocery store visits are our “date nights”? *smiling*)
- A secret moment alone when I can munch my popcorn *all by myself* ( I know, it’s just a little guilty pleasure!!)
Today’s Scripture Meditation
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”- Isaiah 26:3
With my love,