I started this week with grand plans…
We’re finishing two (count ’em TWO) websites. One is just for homeschoolers, the other for our church–
We’re almost done with the church site, and the other at least has a header graphic (thanks to Courtney).
One of my biggest plans, was to finish really fleshing out family goals for the older children in our home.
It’s always funny to see where each year will lead– last year, I felt our family focus was aimed more towards hospitality. We invited folks over for dinner, and tea, and tried to form better habits where letter writing is concerned.
This year, we seem to be really learning to plan our time more efficiently, and to set goals.
Paul and I have two graduating seniors this year (if you know us personally, be expecting an invite in the coming months!).
I’ve been focused on helping them to set goals for their own lives– much more than a “to-do” list, but rather something that will focus on their plans for things they want to accomplish prior to marriage and perhaps even further into their adult world.
We’re starting small, one year and five year goals- what types of projects they would like to try, things they would like to experience, Scripture they would like to memorize, etc., etc.
For now, they’ll be written into a composition book so that we may make notes and keep records. We’re still trying to decide how we will eventually organize these written plans.

It’s meant to be a list that Paul and I can pray over and perhaps provide assistance as needed to obtain these goals.
What a joy it is to have older children–Paul and I were certainly not expecting how exciting and what a blessing they would be during these years.
In the coming weeks, I’ll try and share some of our goals and plans for these children in our home.
I would hope it would be of help to those of you thinking towards the important teenage years!!
Prayer Requests
- The coming months in our home- we are making very specific plans, in many areas. We would appreciate your prayers!
- Paul’s cousin, Lisa
- My feet!
Today I’m Thankful For
- New Shoes!
- Onesies on clearance this morning…and in cute colors!
- Big, ice-cold bottles of water on super hot days! (Thank you, Pauley!)
- Sewing projects, cut out and ready to stitch
- A new book that arrived today from a recent canning class.

Today’s Scripture Meditation
“But what about you?” he asked, “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”- Matthew 16:15-16, NIV
With my love,