Courtney and I have been on a dollar store/thrift store crafting kick lately.
These are a few projects from last week–
We found some old sweaters that I had actually intended for the thrift store. They were too worn to wear, but I did love the cuffs and remembered this idea from a blog post long ago:
They were so easy to make…cut the cuffs off and fit around your candle. You could probably use Elmer’s glue on the cut edge, if you wanted. We liked them so much, we ran a serger around the unfinished edge so we could use them year after year.
That idea led to making a couple of pillows for the living room:
Sweaters really stretch when stuffed, so the first, especially, made a very generous sized pillow.
(Shhh…don’t tell….we didn’t even stuff them with Poly-fil. We cut some of the t-shirts, on their way out the door to the thrift store, to stuff them, and added buttons from my button stash.) You wouldn’t believe the compliments I’ve already received! Since we’re still in the middle of the seasonal clothing swap, there are lots of things in a stack for the thrift store. Courtney and I are looking at them a little differently these days. *smile*
Courtney, has really been thinking on these old sweaters….check out the baby legs she’s made:
She’s still working to tweak her pattern a bit, but Miss Meredith will have warmer legs!
I’m thinking about going to check the local thrift stores for nicer white and black sweaters. These look nice enough to layer over her tights, and under her dresses for church.
…ahhhh….so many ideas, so little time! I’m going to try my best to post our dollar tree wreath tutorial later today.
Thanks for dropping by for a visit!!