Today, I’m posting for Mom, because she isn’t feeling very well.It is going to be a short posting, because we have a lot to do.
The picture is the picture of the booklet they gave her to explain about her wisdom teeth.
This being said, I’m going to write a little on how to be a blessing to others in your home. As many of you know, Mom had some wisdom teeth pulled and had some other dental work done. Afterward, she didn’t feel great, and she needed to recover. She needed peace and quiet.
Before her surgery, my close friend and brother Joshua and I, developed a schedule, chore lists, and a general plan of what was needed. I believe Mom has already shown a picture of the boy’s door.
Each door had everybody’s chores for that room, a copy of the schedule, room rules, and a sign indicating what room it was. It was up to us to run the house. Included in the schedule was school, chores, meal prep.,laundry, dishes, and activities to keep the house quiet but efficient. The benefit was that the house was clean and dinner hot and ready when Dad got home. In fact, we are going to do the schedule tomorrow, to further bless Mom and give her some much needed free time. It is easy to bless someone. We enjoyed helping Mom get to feeling better. You have no idea how you can bless someone. In this case, we were blessing Mom by helping her get to feeling better by allowing a good recovery, but you can bless someone’s day just by doing a unexpected favor.
In our house, we have a special star. When you do something nice for someone, you leave the star where you left what you did. Whoever got the blessing blesses someone else. Try this in your house! We love it! It is another unexpected blessing.
We received the blessing of rain yesterday.We were very thankful for this, seeing as how our “crops” outside were getting some much needed water! Amen! You can receive unlimited blessings, you just have to let God pour them down! (This is not a coincidence with the rain, really!;))
On the though of rain,
“It’s Rainin” by Kirk Franklin
Send it on down
Send it down
Send the rain down
Repeat 3x
Lead: choir:
We need to feel some holy drops from you (send it on down)
Lord we are willing to go through and through (send it on down)
Shower down a blessing on your people (send it on down)
Lord we need you to shower down a blessing on us.(send it on down)
repeat lead
We’re waiting here for a blessing
Let it fall down on me
We need to feel your anointing
Let it fall fresh on me.
Its raining
Its raining
Its raining
One day, two weeks back, it was incredibly hot and sunny. On my way out to check the mail (one of my favorite chores! I love being outside!) I started singing “It’s Rainin”. As I’m singing the part about the rain and the blessings rolling down, I heard it. It was thunder. With that thunder came lightening, and then heavy rain drops. The Lord had blessed us with the wonderful,cool,steady rain.
I love this song. It speaks a lot to me personally.
Prayer Requests:
My Mom’s dentist appointment today
For us to get over the Post-Nasal Drip
For it to rain after the laundry dries today
For the Bogdan family. Their precious little son, James, had his funeral yesterday. Please pray that God’s love and peace is all bestowed upon them.
For the Fuchs family. Their son has an upcoming surgery.
The continuing war in the Middle East.
For my Grandmother, her car engine died today.
That we are getting more done on our websites and sewing projects! Yippee!
Courtney’s Task
To help Mom with anything she needs help on.
Scripture Meditation:
Deuteronomy 28:1-3
“Blessings for Obedience–If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”
Psalm 128:1-3
A song of ascents.
“Blessed are all who fear the LORD,who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor;blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house;your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.”
I suppose that would be it for today!
Courtney, Posting for,