This will be a short post today…I’m still recovering from my oral surgery.
Overall, this has not been a bad experience, but I’ve got to tell you…Motrin is my friend!
I still have stitches on my lower jaw and it is still very swollen and sore. I was fortunate to be able to take less pain medication after the procedure so that I could begin nursing Emma just 24 hours afterward.
It is in these situations that you really begin to realize how blessed you are. My children took over, designed and implemented schedules that kept everyone on track and the house straight. I haven’t had to lift a finger over the majority of the weekend.

Between napping, I focused on Jessica’s heart scrapbook. It is bigger than I ever thought it would be. I had saved a lot of stuff! I still need to add journaling boxes and a few pictures here and there but I’m pretty happy with the results. I hope that Jessica looks back one day and realizes that God remembered her when she needed Him most.

Prayer Requests
Please continue to remember Nate and Nayda. I can’t imagine the pain they must be feeling this morning.
Pray for my continued recovery. I’m supposed to have stitches removed on Thursday.
Paul has a list of business investors that he will begin calling this week. Please pray that God will guide his words and lead us to the path we are to follow.
Today I’m Thankful For
Having my wisdom teeth out was (thankfully!) not nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be!
My children who pitched in and helped out over the last few days.
I spoke with my Grandmother a day or two ago. She seemed very good.
The work I finished on Jessica’s scrapbook.
Getting more of my negatives into Creative Memory Neg Care Sleeves.
Tracy’s Task
This portion of today’s posting is temporarily suspended while Tracy rests and recovers from her recent oral trama.
What I’m Learning
We try to always make the most of what we have. One of my “latest” ideas was to cover a cooler freezer pack with one of Paul’s socks to make an ice pack! It was the perfect size, could be washed easily, was soft against my “boo-boo”, could be re-frozen as needed, didn’t leak and best of all was incredibly inexpensive! When all of this is over and life begins to get back to normal, I’m going to sew nicer covers for them that can tie shut.
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Rom 11:33-36
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”