It’s scout night at our home. We usually spend our day doing school, preparing dinner, and getting everyone ready to walk out the door for scouts. I’m trying to get into the habit of going to the scout meetings as a family again instead of just sending the boys. We all had such a good time when we used to do this….I’m not sure if all of us will make it tonight or not.
O.K., upcoming projects…I’ve been working on my scrapbooks. In fact, I was able to complete about 8 pages over the weekend. I can usually put an entire album together in one week if I work hard at it (minus the journaling) but I’m having to take a little more time with this one ….it’s Emma’s baby book.
This weekend, I need to get some sewing done. I’ve put off finishing the bloomers for my younger two daughters but it’s time to finish them. I’ll post pictures of my projects as I finish them and hopefully a pattern too.
Prayer Requests…
*Please let me mention…if you have a prayer request that you would like for me to share, I’ll be happy to post it here.
I’ve put off mentioning this. I guess I was hoping that it would just go away but it seems like my sweet Jessica is having a bit of trouble with her heart again. Diagnosed at age 3 with an ASD and SVT, at age 5 we had a heart cath done and we were really hoping that it would correct the problem. This week she has had three “episodes” of SVT. I’m really hoping that we’re not going to have to relive this again. I ask that you please lift Jess up to the Lord and pray healing over her little body.
The Greenlaw’s are still having a tough time battling illness. I feel so bad for them. I think that the seasons changing are especially hard on their family.
Beverly, someone I know through another digest. She’s been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for her….God is giving her so much courage, grace and strength. Please pray healing over her.
That our family would be able to find a church. We have visited with a small home based church in our area. We just aren’t sure where we are supposed to be at the moment.
Things I’m learning:
To be bold in my faith! Today I received a phone call that required me to very boldly tell someone the truth…I knew that they were going to probably not take it very well but I needed to stand strong in what I believe. I quickly realized that it’ a practice thing. The more you practice saying and doing the right thing the easier it becomes. It was a very nice thing to learn!
Today I’m thankful for….
My friend Sherri who is helping me get my scrapbooks in order. I’m so glad to be catching up on all of this!
My daughter’s pen pals. Courtney just lights up when she gets a letter!
Martha Stewart’s 30 day cooking school. I don’t usually watch her show and I know that it sounds silly but I’m really learning a lot. Even today… she was teaching how to fry and I learned quite a bit.
I’ve mentioned it before…my office window. I love to look outside and watch the trees as I work on my computer during the day.
Sleeping babies! It’s nice to have a quiet time of the day when everyone is asleep. They are all so peaceful and extra cute when they are taking their naps. It makes me want to pick them up and give them a little hug…but not enough to wake them!! : )
Our Scripture Meditation:
Titus 2:4-5
“Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. NIV
We have such a special place in the kingdom of God. We have to set an example for those around us. Loving our families, being self controlled and pure, keeping ourselves busy in our homemaking tasks, showing kindness to others and giving all that we are to our husbands, are all pieces of a big puzzle. Together, they work together to spread the gospel.
Remember, people watch you…everywhere you go. There isn’t a minute of the day when you aren’t teaching others something. We have to be careful that we bring glory to the Father in the way that we live our lives.