A Day at the Ball Park …and Memory Making!

Lines From The Vine - http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com

Woah! I had no idea when I woke up this morning, we would have such a day of adventure and memory making ahead!

SEC Stadium Shot- Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com

Paul has been working at the ball park in Hoover this week, doing the 2017 SEC Baseball Championship. Benjamin had asked if he could go and see Paul working on the truck so Paul and I scheduled it and off we went this morning.

Inside a remote television truck-Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com
Inside a remote television truck-

Paul gave us an amazing tour of the TV compound.  We went into their dining hall, saw the inside of a “B” unit, and met many of his co-workers who all had so many great things to say about him.

Television Compound - Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com
Sky view of the television compound….

The “ops producer” allowed us to go out past the gates and see the field, sit on the television set and then asked if we wanted to ride the ferris wheel while we were there. (You never know what you are going to get when you visit a tv set!)

On the television set- Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com 0-02-01-eb55a3916910fc4f9f3715484e5aefa15dd3bb254661a1581c50c8f721938572-V[1]

On the television set…

We’re famous! (Well, not really but it was pretty great to sit on the television set.)


On the ferris wheel- Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com
Here I go!


Okay, so I  have this little fear of heights….I almost backed out. I decided to say a quick prayer and make myself go…it was SO much fun! I’ve not been on a ferris wheel since I was a little girl!

Boys getting off ferris wheel- Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com


There's Paul!- Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com
Hi, Pauley!!

Sure, it seemed like a good idea. I was supposed to be back so Courtney could go and tune a local church piano. We had a few minutes until I had to leave to be on time to get the car so Ben and Jon loaded up- they asked me to ride, too.

I did not realize that we were riding so they could film a television spot until I was at the top.



I sent Courtney a text message to tell her I was going to be late…how do you explain you are stuck at the top of a ferris wheel?!

That’s going to make a funny memory for her.

 Lines From The Vine- http://www.LinesFromTheVine.com
Yeah…they had a little fun today!

Everyone on the site had such good things to say about my husband. I know he works hard. I know he’s good at what he does. I’m a blessed woman and what a super day! I’m always thankful for the amazing and unexpected opportunities the Lord provides for all of us each day! Life is an adventure.

With my love,





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