An “experienced” mom. That is what I am these days! I don’t feel old enough to be “experienced”, but these lines on my face, this gray hair and all the photos lined up across my living room wall tell stories of days and months and years. Times that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’ve learned a little bit along the…
Year: 2015
ETHAN Project- Enjoy the New!
When I began this summer, I never dreamed in a million years how amazing the ETHANProject would become for my family. We have enjoyed each and every week this summer. Each one has been purposeful and fun. We have made memories and enjoyed time together. We’ve revisited the place where my husband proposed. We have painted. We have cooked. We…
ETHAN Project: Enjoy the Sound!
Are you still following the Ethan Project for summer ideas? The summer is almost over. We only have a few challenges left but it isn’t too late to join along. This week’s assignment is “Enjoy the Sound”. Paul and I have had an extra-special blessing this week. It’s been easy to “enjoy the sound”. Meet Gabriel Elijah, our very first…
Homeschooling 2015/2016
I know I can not be the only homeschooling mama excited for the new school year to begin! These school supplies being stocked in stores are a good reminder it’s almost time. I find myself walking down the aisles just to see what’s new this year! Yesterday, I found a couple of pretty great posters in Target’s dollar spot (and…
Not Just an Old Wive’s Tale…
When someone told me that ants wouldn’t cross a chalk line I thought it must be an old wive’s tale. This morning, we noticed a line of ants crawling up our wall. I sent one of my older children for a piece of chalk and she drew a line of the wall to see what would happen. No pesticides. No…
Book Review and Giveaway: Just For Me Bible
Most nights, after supper, our family gathers in the living room of our home to have devotion time. Each member brings their Bible and their prayer requests. My husband teaches. My children are learning to use their Bibles and how fully the Lord can answer our prayers and guide our lives. While each of my older children have their own…
Evening Routines
I’ve been working to post my home management/diligence card system today. It is still a work in progress. I foresee cards for evening chores, a mid-day routine, school work, a reading list, and I’m not sure what else. These cards have worked so well for us, I’ve found myself wondering why it took me so long to figure all of…
Morning Routines
I wrote earlier today about the DILIGENCE BOARD and the morning chore cards we have created for our family. I’m planning to make a little video a little later today about these cards. Our morning routine cards are a little different than our morning chore cards. The morning routines (especially the printed cards), lay everything out for my children in…
Morning Chores
If you are here for the first time, I’m so glad you stopped by! We are a “larger than average” family. I guess some would consider us a big family. 🙂 I am asked ALL THE TIME how we manage our home so I decided to start a series on this topic. Our home is so far from perfectly clean.…
ETHAN Project: Enjoy the Dirt
Ahhh…this week has been so full. Every single year, I set out to enjoy the time during the summer. I want to slow down, to make memories, to have something real to show for the days. I’m so thankful for the plan this summer. It’s kept me on track to make sure I’m making time for some things that are…
Book Review: Five Brides
I’m one of those people who just don’t seem to find the time to read fiction on a regular basis. I get that it’s supposed to be good for your brain. I know it is fun to read stories written for entertainment. I just don’t have time very often. My latest book review was an indulgence of sorts. I was…
How We Made a LEGO Cake
Jon wanted a LEGO cake this year for his birthday. A few years back, I made this cake for Matthew. It was A LOT of work. I hand shaped and cut all those LEGOs from fondant (which I hate). This time, I was wanting to do something different- something FUN! I looked on Pinterest and saw some ideas for the…