The days are feeling cooler. Can it be? Fall seems early this year. The days seem unseasonably cool. The summer has been warm, but nothing like what I’m used to for southern summertime. My roses seem to be enjoying the cooler days. I am thankful for the milder temperatures, but I think this winter will find me missing the beautiful…
Month: August 2015
LEGO Americana Roadshow
The LEGO Americana Roadshow has arrived in our city! Do your children play with LEGOS? They are the toy of choice in our home with my oldest children. We happened on the exhibit completely by accident but it made a perfect homeschool field trip. (KUDOS, LEGO corporation for turning something children love into something that teaches, too!) The mall had…
The Southern Museum of Flight
We thoroughly enjoyed a visit to the Southern Museum of Flight in Birmingham, a couple of weeks ago! With Paul home more recently, we have taken the opportunity do some quick field trips with the children. This was first on our list since we have passes to another local museum that allow us to be admitted to the Southern Museum…
Pregnancy Update- Week 5
My pregnancy update- week 5….this is technically week 6, but who’s counting. (…and I’m posting in week 9!) So, what’s happening in my world? Well, morning sickness has hit hard. Sunday was the first time. I was at church when hit began to become really awful. I just wanted to lay down in a floor some place and try to…
Book Review: Grandma Kisses
Did you hear? I’m a grand-mama!! (I know, I know everyone here already knows. I just like saying it again anyway! :D) Sweet little Gabe is surrounded by so many folks who adore him. What a sweet blessing he is for our family. This month, Tommy Nelson sent me a copy of Grandma Kisses for review. What timing! I already…
Happy 3rd Birthday, Jackson!
Happy Birthday, Jackson. You are a sweet boy and we love you dearly! It seems like yesterday, I was holding you in my arms and you were smiling sweetly at me. These days, you love playdough and sharpie markers. You think my purse is your personal stash of “cool stuff” and I find various chapsticks, my keys, driver’s license, and…
Burp Cloth Tutorial
This burp cloth tutorial is actually a re-post from an old blog tutorial. Want to create a baby gift that is both functional and personal? Let’s face it, we all want to hear ‘ooh’s’ and ‘aah’s’ from a new mom when she opens a gift we have given. It’s one of the reasons Pinterest is so wildly popular, and the…
Homeschooling – Our First Week!
We’re beginning our second week of homeschooling for the 2015-2016 school year. We have been homeschooling now for 21 years! Each year brings unique success and challenges. Homeschooling for 2015-2016 is off to a great start. Teaching Textbooks, The Mystery of History, Illuminations, and The McGuffey Readers are our curriculum favorites, so far! Each of these curriculum choices have some…
ETHAN Project: Enjoy the Mess!
The last week of the summer 2015 ETHAN Project assignments has arrived. We’ve enjoyed each week of this project- each one brought an adventure. We made lots and lots of memories. “Enjoy the Mess” is the final assignment. I’ll admit, this one gave me a little bit of a scare. I mean, I spend lots and lots of time trying…
ETHAN Project: Enjoy the Drive
We have had the best summer. There have been so many memories made and many projects completed. I don’t remember another summer when we were able to accomplish so much. This week’s ETHAN project assignment was to Enjoy the Drive. As it happened, Paul had a work trip to Tampa, Florida and asked me to join him for a few…