2013 Christmas Parade

Tracy / December 14, 2013

My older children are off having dinner with a couple of my cousins tonight. That meant I’m breaking (for a little bit, anyway), from the home improvement to *actually clean* our home, prepare for church tomorrow, and post my updates! 😀

Can you believe, last night, I attended my very first Christmas parade?! I’ve gone to allow my boys to march with their scout groups and once for a birthday party, but never to just sit and watch.

We had the best time! Meredith has been asking when we can go again. I’m not sure she understands the ‘once a year’ concept.

We met friends and bundled everyone up (a few of my littles are still a tiny bit upset over the Vaseline I smeared across their faces when we got out of the car).

We stood in the cold and enjoyed the floats.

It was a slice of small town America. These things make me fall more in love with our community each and every day.

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