We are still working to clean our backyard from last year’s storms.
Our damage was limited to the trees in our yard. Looking around other areas of our state, it could have been much worse! We’re thankful to just have trees to cut.
We finally purchased a new chainsaw a couple of weeks back. It’s really been a long-needed tool in our home.
Jacob, has spent his extra time cutting apart trees and directing our younger family members on how to sort the pieces. Some, we’re planning to chip up for garden mulch. Others, we’re hoping to use as firewood for our home.
These are the latest pictures from our backyard….it doesn’t look like much, but he has done a massive amount of work on these trees!

Jacob, the yard is beautiful! …and your projects are wonderful. It’s so great to see all of the skills my grandchildren have.
Love all of you terribly.
xx ooxx….xo