Compost and Gardening

Tracy / January 18, 2011

It’s that time of year!

We’re planning to expand our garden again this year. What are your plans for the coming season?

Compost bins Joshua made for our family last year. These were built from pallets given by family friends.

The new issue of Hobby Farm Home arrives!! Hurray!!

Do you think the chickens know they will be getting new housing soon??

Signs of warmer days coming….surely winter can’t last forever!!

Josie doesn’t care much for the colder weather. She is normally waiting by the door to go out in the morning. Now she waits for us to let her back inside.

Gardening catalogs are arriving almost daily and I finally made time to sit and watch my Homestead Blessings “Gardening” DVD.

6 thoughts on “Compost and Gardening

  1. Yep, we, too, are browsing the seed catalogs. Last year we started our first asparagus patch. Hoping maybe to plant more fruit this year……….larger strawberry patch, maybe?! And, my daughter, the poultry princess, or the chicken chick as she sometimes calls herself, says we must have more chickens on the homestead!!!!

    1. That’s cute, Denise! We’ve ordered more chicks too…we’re definitely adding to the guinea flock this year. I haven’t tried asparagus. Would you care to share details on this?? Enlarging a strawberry patch is always a good idea. I’m not sure you could grow too many berries of any kind!

  2. Tracy, Hope you are feeling well today.
    This is our first attempt at growing asparagus, so we are definitely learning. We have been told it is a plant that will keep coming back for at least 12-15 years. Woo! Hoo! We will see.It usually takes 2 years before you have any “spears” for the first harvest. We chose to try it last year as it is so expensive to buy in the store, both as fresh produce and canned. I love to bake asparagus casseroles or just wrap it up with some ham, sour cream, etc. Yummy!
    Asparagus casserole and black eye pea cakes…….can’t beat it!

  3. No winter cover on the asparagus.
    And, we are just learning, too, so I am probably not your best source of information. As springtime rolls around, I will let you know our progress (or lack there of!)

    1. Please let me know as you learn more. We would love to grow asparagus…and have room now. Before, I stayed away from it just because we needed the space for veggies that matured a little faster.

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