Homeschooling isn’t all about books and essays.
Most of the time, the best teaching happens as you go on, about your daily life.
Since we began homeschooling (which feels like the beginning of time now!), we have tried to include the children in our day-to-day activities. Some of these things seem so routine, it’s hard to remember to include our littles in this time.
I’ve prayed the Lord would allow me to be sensitive to these opportunities, and that He would use this time to speak not only knowledge into my children, but also minister to their hearts.
I hope they always remember time they spent just doing daily things with Paul, and I.
Sooo, today, we made potato soup (all that, and you were expecting something spectacular, weren’t you?!).
Timothy learned all about making soup stock. I explained why I save certain parts of the chicken, and how we take away all of the usable meat first- freeze or prepare it, and then how to prepare the pot for stock.
Next, I had him watch this video:
It was fantastic! (It amazes me how much good, FREE information is on the web, if you just look around.)

Timothy chopped the potatoes. Then he removed all the visible fat from the ham and chopped it, too.

We had a short lesson on using knives.
He remembered a class a dear friend (Hey Sherri!), taught my older children when they were learning to use cooking knives.
I explained how to keep his fingers out of the way. He did so well and just seemed to absorb the information.

We did have a little help. As Timothy was preparing one part of the dish, Benjamin was learning to caramelize onions.
After I explained why I was preparing them the way I do, we watched this video:
It’s just part of a series of cooking classes on You Tube. They are EXCELLENT!
Timothy loves to cook! With Christmas just around the corner, I had considered purchasing him a cookbook of his own. I have spent quite a bit of time looking through cookbooks written for children, and have been disappointed.
Children can learn so much, if given the chance.
The books all seem to focus on “cute” food. They don’t teach techniques and skill. I think we’ll be skipping the kid books and heading for real cookbooks while teaching our children to cook. (I’ve got my eye on that America’s Test Kitchen book!)
They both enjoyed their time in the kitchen so very much (and so did I). Tonight, I’m thinking on what we will cook next!
Want to drop by?? The door is always open.

We have cooking class on Fridays, specifically, but my 11-y-o twins are learning and doing something each day as they spend time in the kitchen with me. Jacob got his knife certification in Boy Scouts so he thinks he needs to be in charge of all the cutting 🙂 Speaking of cooking, I’m headed to the kitchen to make broccoli soup using last night’s leftover chicken chili as a base! Chow 🙂
Yum, Barbara! We *love* broccoli soup…I can imagine a chicken chili base being really delicious! Have you seen the “Look and Cook” cookbook series? We are using it and the King Arthur Flour cookbook as a base for our cooking lessons (I’m learning with the children *smile*). I am trying to include them in what I would normally make as well….they seem to be having a great time. Congratulations, to Jacob on his knife certification. That’s great!!
I have not seen the Look and Cook; we are using Teaching Your Kids to Cook by Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers. We didn’t end up having broccoli soup, because I forgot they were going to concert band and didn’t have time, so I added left over mashed potatoes to the left over chicken chili and it was quite delicious and creamy! I always envied the way my Mom was able to use up leftovers; I thought I’d never get to that point – here I am and loving it! The only leftovers in my fridge right now is pizza and that will be lunch tomorrow. Headed back to the kitchen to soak some beans!