Warning! This is going to be a long post today….
I’m trying so hard to eat and take better care of myself. This morning finds me at the computer feeling sorry for myself after completing Pilates. Yes, I know that I will better person for this in the end but my tummy is burning! Seriously, after 8 sweet littles (1 C-section, which definitely did not help), my tummy muscles are in much need of strengthening.
You never really know at the beginning of a day exactly what surprises wait around the corner. Yesterday, we did the normal Sunday things and we had a couple of errands that needed to be done but I was so surprised and blessed to enjoy a visit from a good friend that I had not seen in quite some time. I felt like the Lord allowed this time…it was so nice to see her again. I love the little surprises that God allows for us to find here and there!
We usually stop in the afternoon for a small snack…something to just get everyone through to dinner. I wanted to share a snack recipe that I made for my family over the weekend…it was really good (not so healthy…but if you just eat a little….). : )
One thing that I try to do when I’m making a pie is mix up an extra one or two pie crusts for the freezer. These don’t look like those nice store bought ones. If you were to see them they just look like a crumbled mess inside the ziplock bag but I can take them out of the freezer, let them soften a little, and roll them into a great pie crust. They are still flaky and nice even after being frozen. Anyway, you will need one of those pie crusts!
If you would like to try, my pie crust recipe is as follows:
2 2/3c sifted regular flour
1t salt
1c shortening
6T cold water
Combine first 3 ingredients in large mixing bowl. Cut well with a pastry blender. Add ice-cold water. Cut with pastry blender. (Remember to always cut, never stir!) It’s at this point, you would want to go ahead and package any extra pie crusts for the freezer into ziplock freezer bags. Dampen a counter top with a damp dish cloth and lay waxed paper down. Roll out on floured surface, adding sifted flour as needed to keep from sticking. Carefully, slide hand under waxed paper. Invert pie plate over top of pie crust, center, and flip, position it and peel waxed paper carefully off. Trim edges and shape as desired. This recipe will yield 2 crusts. (The trimmed edges are great snacks! (We don’t waste anything around here!) rolled out, cut into strips, brushed with a little butter, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and baked until they are golden brown.)
To make the Cheese Tart (VERY EASY):
2 eggs
1c sharp cheddar cheese
2T salsa
1/2t salt
1/2t pepper
pastry for a single-crust pie (9 inches)
In a bowl, beat the eggs. Add the cheese, salsa and pepper; mix well. Roll out pasty into a 12 inch circle on a foil lined baking sheet. Spread with cheese mixture to within 1 inch of edge. Fold edge of pastry over outer edge of filling. Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand for 5 minutes before cutting into wedges. Refrigerate any leftovers.
Prayer Requests
My day didn’t start off so good. –No, this was not because I had to exercise! : ) I need prayer that I will not let this effect the rest of the day.
My friend, Maribel who is on my mind this morning.
Mike, someone that we knew, that has struggled with bladder cancer. This weekend I’ve had a burden to pray for him. I’m not sure if it’s because of the cancer or not. Please just pray!
My friend, Tina, and some personal struggles she is having.
Today, I’m Thankful For
Brandi, someone who contacted me through another friend (thanks, Tanya). She lives pretty close to me and has just had a new little person to add to her big family! It’s always nice to meet other large families!
What I hope will be a bright and sunny day so that I can get lots of laundry caught up!
An early start to my day! Even Josh and Courtney were up exercising with me this morning!!!
My finger (some of you might remember this!) seems to be finally getting back to normal. I can actually take it the full range of motion now.
The newsletter, “Girls of Grace” that Courtney has been working on for awhile now. She felt that there was a lack of good materials for girls her age so she decided to start one. It’s inspiring even to me! I’m thankful that God has placed this ministry on her heart the way that He has.
Tracy’s Tasks
We’re going to break from the planner and take a few days to discuss a gift closet (this is really an integral part to your holiday planner as well…I’ll explain later)….
Are you thinking that you might not have enough room for a gift closet? You don’t really have to have an entire closet reserved for gifts. Mine actually stay organized into small rubber-maid totes in my master bedroom closet. I do have additional storage for my children’s gifts when we get close to the holidays but I’ll never tell where it is!! 😉
Some places that you might want to consider are the basement, attic or under a bed. I actually even have a little room under my sofa that would fit a small amount of storage. You could also just use a suit case, a tote bag, or baskets. You just need to provide enough room to keep your gifts safely out of sight but somewhere will you not forget about them!
Tomorrow, we will work on creating a master gift list. I’m working with you! Let me know if you have any questions or comments!
What I’m Learning:
Little boys (and big boys, alike) never seem to stop making me giggle. I left Josh (12) watching Emma (7 months) in the kitchen yesterday. As I walked through to put some things away, Josh announced how smart he thought she was. He said “Look, mom, I’ve trained her!”. He had basically taught her that when he said “give me your hand”, if she would put her hand up to his, he would give her a toy. It was amusing to watch his new accomplishment…he explained how he had done it and then said “wow, mom, she’s just like a PUPPY!!” I’m sure that as a young lady she’s going to love knowing that as a baby, she was puppy trained! Only a little boy would think of this!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
I wanted to share this devotion, written by Nancy Campbell. She publishes Above Rubies magazine and is such an encouragement to women worldwide.
Exodus 25:23-24, “You shall also make a table of acacia wood. and you shall overlay it with pure gold.”
The first mention of the table in the Bible is in the above passage where God tells Moses to make a table from acacia wood and then to overlay it with pure gold. In the Bible wood always speaks of humanity. The pure gold speaks of the divinity of Christ. It is interesting that this table was to be made of both wood and gold, speaking of Christ’s humanity and His divinity. However, I believe it also relates to the tables we have in our homes.
We come to our table, loaded with humanity. We come with our weaknesses and failings. Our children come to the table in their humanity. They are certainly not perfect. Sometimes they are fussy. Sometimes they don’t want to eat. They may grumble and complain. There may even be arguments. Without God’s intervention, it can be a total shambles! But God, represented by the table overlaid with pure gold, wants to come to your table.
He wants to bring His presence to your table. He wants to cover your humanity with His divinity. He wants to fellowship with you at your table. This is what He did at the beginning of creation with Adam and Eve, and He wants to continue this practice throughout all generations. (Genesis 3:8-9) Every day He came to talk with Adam and Eve. He did not come to them in the heat of the day or during their hours of work (for God established the principle of work before sin entered the Garden of Eden). He came to them in the cool of the day, in the evening time-the time of the day when we gather around the meal table to eat together, fellowship and relax.
God wants to join you at this time of each day too. Invite Him to come. Don’t hide from His presence as Adam and Eve did after they had sinned. Make sure that you are gathered together as a family to meet Him. I think that many times God comes to homes, waiting to join them as they sit at table together-but the table is empty! No meal is prepared, mother is preoccupied with other things or is still out in the car with the children, or the family is snacking in front of the TV!
The table of wood and pure gold that God told Moses to make was for the Holy Place in the tabernacle in the wilderness. Each week the priests would bake 12 loaves of bread which they would place on the table. These loaves were called the Bread of His Presence. At the end of the week the priests would eat the loaves together in the presence of the Lord. This also speaks of God delighting to fellowship with us at our table.
When you give thanks at the beginning of each meal, invite God to come with all His divinity to your table. Acknowledge His presence. His presence will bring the atmosphere of Heaven. It will cover your earthy humanity. I don’t think you can do without Him at your table. I can’t.
“Father, I ask that you will come to our table each ay. I thank you that your presence can change the atmosphere at our table. Lord, we need you. Amen.”
I prepare my table for the King of kings as well as my family!
I know that this has been such a long post today… I pray that you all have a great week and remember there is a greater purpose with every dish and every diaper. We are serving our King and laying a foundation that will live far beyond our years!