4H is a whole new world for my family. In the past, we tried 4H and never could really get a program started. Now, we’re part of a thriving 4H community and my children are involved in all sorts of wonderful learning adventures.
Our first project was the 4H chick chain. It involved raising chicks to full-grown hens. In the end, they went to auction with some of their chickens and competed against other children to test their knowledge of the chickens they have raised.
The entire experience was fascinating and though the children did learn quite a lot about chickens, there were certainly larger lessons about sportsmanship- there were those who came in right at the top, and those who didn’t.
The children who won awards needed to learn to shake hands and encourage those who didn’t do so well. Those who didn’t win needed to learn to congratulate those who did better and rather than dwell on the negative, find positive things about their experience.
Because we had not been part of something like this with these younger children, I spent the entire summer teaching and preparing them for the outcome of the chicken show.
In the end, I was so proud of each of them.
This month, I received a copy of Lulu Tutu’s Win or Lose I Love You! by Lysa Terkeurst.
Full of adorable illustrations, Lulu and her friend Max, join their animal friends for a day of friendly competition. In the end, there are those who are not such good winners and those who are not so good at losing. Lulu encourages them to think of others before themselves and learn to forgive when others fall short of the way they should behave.
From the back of the book:
“You may not win, but you must try. Sometimes you’ll lose, but there’s no need to cry. Win or lose, one thing that’s true- No matter what, I love you!”
The end of the book includes a page of Bible verses to encourage children to show love towards others whether they win or lose.