THIS is where my 2015 goals begin.

I have purchased several thumb drives with the intention of organizing and storing my digital photos.
This was one of my *favorite* Black Friday purchases!
I’m still trying to figure out if I use Photoshop Elements to label the photos, will that carry over to the thumb drive storage??
How do you organize your digital photos so you can find them more easily?
I don’t want to keep them stored on my computer (I don’t think I even have room for that!). I have lost stored photos before- I’m trying to back them up now before they are lost.
How do you organize your photos?

I store mine in folders according to dates – One main folder: Girls. Within that folder I have folders labeled: Jan 14 G, Feb 14 G, etc. Then I have a folder: Boys. Within that folder, I have folders labeled: Jan 14 B, Feb 14 B, etc.