It has been A LONG TIME since I’ve done any serious couponing for my home.
I knew I had reached a new low when I had to actually pay for toothpaste.
There was just no time to continue last year. I was very thankful for the stockpile we had of personal supplies. It lasted for months and months, but now it’s gone.
I started back about three weeks ago.
This last week, I had one of the best CVS trips I’ve ever had! After coupons and ECB’s, I paid $34 for all of this:
If you buy diapers, you know just the three bags of diapers and a bag of pull-ups would have normally cost more.
We were tickled!
We’ve managed a few really good deals on shampoo and a couple of other items. (I think ALL detergent was one a few weeks back.) The stockpile is growing again!