Our home is filled with gifts from friends and family. We are blessed with kindness all around.
I would like to say I had a picture of the beautiful tray of candy Jan, Bailey and her family brought. Unfortunately, it was eaten too quickly for photos…but the tray is beautiful! 😀

Dear friends and neighbors, gave us a sweet scented red candle with matches…it’s been used already. Can you tell?

For the second year straight, the doorbell rang the night before Christmas Eve. We didn’t recognize the man delivering. He just said, “Merry Christmas delivery!”, and handed one of my children one of the largest hams I have ever seen. What a blessing!
We have no idea who delivers this ham each year to our family. Last year, it provided lots of soups, and suppers, ham for omelets and canned ham broth for the pantry.
I have to stop and pray the Lord would bless our anonymous giver.
As I think back over this Christmas, I’ve truly dreaded it for so long- in the end, we enjoyed time with friends and family. We’ve made memories, ornaments, cookies and more.
I have a great deal for which to be thankful.