my desk

Tracy / September 11, 2013

Brace yourselves….

This was my desk “before”. Oddly enough, a good many of these things didn’t belong to me at all- this desk becomes our family “catch-all”. I guess because it sits in the center of our home?
It was horrible. It’s taken me a week to clean.

Do you hear that?? Angels are singing…I think a miracle has happened-

Jacob even drilled a hole for my pencil sharpener cord so it can run behind the desk and won’t be knocked off by little hands during the day.

It’s been so long, last night I had to stand back and just look…


3 thoughts on “my desk

  1. This made me laugh. I am sitting here in our office/classroom looking at a mess that I need to work on. Instead I am sitting here looking at blogs. 🙂 I am waiting on my family to get home from DC. Bad weather, delayed flight, lost cell phone….. I will be glad when they get home (probably between 1-2 AM) Your “after” picture inspired me to work on our office. Since I can’t sleep until they get home, maybe I should work on it now!

  2. Do you know I already have things piled on my desk, again?!
    I have been taking things off. Courtney has been taking things off.
    It’s like it calls to everyone else, “stack whatever you want RIGHT HERE”.


    Maybe one day it will stay clean.

    I am so glad to hear your family made it home from their trip. It sounds like it was exciting!

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