I believe God does big things.
Some times, they seem unbelievable. We couldn’t in our best plans imagine the things that HE determines to be our path.
So, I’ve been asked a lot, “where is Josh?”.
It’s a long story…and one that weaves it’s way through the last several months.
Some time ago, Joshua’s employer took a new job.
At age 16, Joshua worked for him as his assistant- making phone calls, posting expense reports, organizing office and personal supplies.
This man was a sales executive with some personal rental properties. Us meeting him could have only been by God’s plan. He asked if I would allow Josh to assist him with his work and we allowed it- over the next year, Josh would take on more and more responsibility.
He learned more than I could have dreamed he would- and it was hard to explain to friends and family what all he was doing. It sounds unbelievable to think that a teenager would be given so much responsibility- but he was, and he flourished.
Time passed. Joshua worked for him for well over a year and liked his job, though the time was inconsistent, he still had regular work and liked what he was doing.
We don’t always understand why things happen, but this man took a job in another state leaving Josh without work.
He was sad for sometime and we spoke often of what would be next. Obviously, college is a big priority, but he also wanted to find another job.
At the same time, I was expecting our baby any day. I asked Josh to wait to look for jobs until after she was born, and things settled a bit. He agreed, and shortly there after, he started looking.
He tried temp agencies and employment agencies.
He was actually almost hired by a company here in town until they found out he was only 17. They apologized to him over and over and asked that he come back when turned 18. He was so disappointed and decided to try some of the local fast-food places just so he would have work.
He was receiving NO return calls. It was really odd…I can only assume, it being summer, the positions were filled by teens looking for summer jobs.
In any case, on that particular Saturday, he asked if he could run out and post applications with some local businesses. I told him sure and asked him if he would drop in on a friend to return something for us while he was out.
When he arrived, this man asked him why he was so dressed up. Josh explained he was out looking for work. He gave Joshua a few web sites to try telling him he thought they might be looking for programmers. We really didn’t think much about it- Joshua told me he was going to check into the sites on the following Monday.
Before the end of the day, Josh received a phone call from a company owner in California.
They spoke for some time. He ended up calling Joshua a few times on that day- Josh would come and tell me what they were discussing. At the end of the week, Josh was asked if he would be willing to meet in person. Knowing we had a mutual friend, I discussed the arrangement with Paul, and we agreed.
Josh went for what would be his first interview with this company. The owner flew in from Florida, and met with Josh. He was asked to complete an assignment that would detail some of his computer skills, which he enjoyed.
At the end of this interview, we were asked if we would allow Joshua to fly out to this company, in California, to meet with the other owners and business leaders.
In normal circumstances, I would have said absolutely “no”, but as it turns out, Paul was working in California for two months…and he would be there for Joshua– we were all stunned to see how the Lord was working things out. Joshua, was getting an opportunity to take a job I’ve never heard of being offered to a 17 year old, as well as traveling to a new place- and Paul, who was terribly homesick and missing all of us, would have Joshua with him. What are the chances they would both be in California?
On July 27th (my birthday), I packed my son up and we sent him on his first airplane trip, ever.

close…aside from clothes, he needed books, and other essentials for a possible extended stay.

He has now completed his extended interview (which lasted a week), and is currently in his orientation period (for three months). He’ll remain in California until early November when he’ll return here to work from home.
Paul is home now…..
this summer was very, very long. Having a new baby, being away from my husband for two solid months, and then having my son gone for the first time….wow, it’s been hard.

Through it all, God has been so good. I was surrounded by friends and family that I love, and loved me through these months.
So, where is Josh? He’s in California…..

He’s learning so many things and seeing new places each day. The company he works for has seen to his every need from food, to housing, to transportation, etc.
He’s going to attend a church for the second time this Sunday that he enjoyed this last Sunday.
When I speak with him, it’s obvious that he has grown in many ways during these months.

Looking back over the summer, no one could have convinced me that so many changes would take place…it still feels a little surreal to even type. 😀
Please pray for him in these coming days…..