Free Cross-Stitch Patterns

Tracy / September 1, 2010

How about some free cross stitch pattern links?

I’ve been on a cross stitching kick lately- working a little here and there on small-ish type projects after the littles go to bed and my evening work is done.

Here are a few that look interesting:

Little Robin

A collection of various small patterns


They are the inspired creation of Joanne Sanderson. If you have a minute, drop by her site and look through her other patterns- they are pretty cute and would make a quick stitched gift!

Do you know of others that you would like to share?? Please drop a comment and let me know!

*I would really like some Scripture patterns.*

In the next month or two, I’m going to post the patterns that I’ve created– if you cross-stitch, check back for those!

2 thoughts on “Free Cross-Stitch Patterns

  1. Hello

    I’m writing from France….I’ ve just discovered your blog…and your life and wonderful family..;;
    I wanted to download your free patterns but it does not work….If you could tell me how to manage it would be great…..but I know your time is precious
    All the best

    1. Thank you for your sweet words. Many of these patterns were links that may not be active anymore. I think if you search online through Google you could probably find a lot of free patterns available. Thank you for writing!

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