The making of our dining table was a labor of love. After years of looking in stores and asking other big families we knew about how they found tables to fit their big families, Paul and I realized we were going to have to break down and build our own. I’ve found these plans online: Both truly beautiful, but wow(!),…
Tag: home management
Cleaning Carpets Safely
Just thought I would share this little tidbit with you, my dear guests, this evening! This is our hall carpet: I know, scary, right?! I have sprayed virtually every cleaner sold in local stores on this carpet to get it cleaned. I can usually bring up some of the spots, but only after hours of scrubbing. Granted, it’s not that…
Jessa’s afternoon chores include cleaning off the front porch. I wonder if she’ll ever know how it warms my heart to see the little touches she adds to her work??
Clothing Swap…
The seasonal clothing swap is beginning! Normally, this is a huge task…we just have not had the room to do this in an efficient way. It’s so nice to have space to lay everything out as we go through each item! In the coming weeks, I’ll hopefully have clothes swapped out and everything else neatly packed in the attic. I’m…
Tears Over French Onion Soup
OOOOhhhhh, my dear onions, how I do love thee…. my family, not so much. It’s not the taste that drives my littles nutty, it’s those sliced onions. Today, we made French Onion Soup for lunch. A few onions (well, more than a few for our home), some beef broth, some Parmesan cheese, a few spices and a nice slice of…
When we don’t stay caught up with the laundry, we end up with this: Would you like to guess how long it took to fold and place away?
Kitchen/Dining Room
4 Moms, 35 Kids is hosting another blog carnival. It’s been fun to scroll through the other family homes. It’s a great way to pick up ideas and it’s just plain fun to see how other larger families live. It’s time for another installment of our home… Quite honestly, I’ve been dreading the kitchen/dining room post from 4 Moms, 35…
I have spent the better part of this week bent over the computer keyboard working on an Excel spreadsheet. My dear Paul, and very sweet Mother, have told me for years that this would be the best way to create a schedule for everyone. Being the pencil, and paper girl that I am, I resisted with every mention of the…
When we don’t stay caught up with the laundry, we end up with this: Would you like to guess how long it took to fold and place away?
July 30, 2010
So while the older boys are planning their camp out in the backyard, it’s Friday night and the littles are planning a camp out of their own in the library floor: What is so magical about tent sheets and floor sleeping? I remember loving it when I was younger too…I just don’t think my back loves it too much these…
My Current Read
Borrowed from a new friend– it’s been good, so far!
Just an Update
We’ve unpacked our boxes- each and every one! It’s something I never thought would happen- I’m so glad it’s done! At this point, we’re organizing our school day, creating laundry routines, and refocusing efforts on making things generally more efficient. In this area, I imagine I’ll be spending more time. These details require tweaking, as I’m sure you know. So,…