to my dear husband, the very best Papa ever….to my FIL who has loved me like I was his own….and to my own father wherever he may be….
Month: June 2011
Celebrating the Sabbath
Baby Pictures, Group 3
Can you tell we’re having fun?? 😀
Baby Pictures, Group 2
More baby pics….
Baby Pictures, Group 1
So, the new baby pretty much takes every minute of every day right now. She is a baby doll. I think we’re all enjoying the time with her…these first days slip by so fast! Miss Courtney has been snapping away with her camera. As I look over the pictures, I can tell I’m going to have to be *very* careful…
Pediatrician Visit, Day 3
Off for a third visit….she’s looking pretty orange today.
Pediatrician Visit #2
At our first visit with the doctor, we were told that little Miss Darby would need to come back for another look. So, here we go….seeing her this morning, I’m thinking that we might be in for yet another visit. We’ll see!!
While We Were Away….
Saturday afternoon, a quick “little” storm blew through. The children called to tell us the power was off and they were going to the basement. We had suffered minor tree damage during the recent tornado activity in our state. Time had not yet allowed us to clean up those trees…looks like we’ll be making time. Saturday’s storms left us with…
A Very Thoughtful Great Aunt….
I’m blessed to call one of the kindest women, my Great-Aunt! The house erupts with excitement when her letters arrive…and from time to time we see her. Everyone is charmed by her smile and her words. She is a gem!! Anyway, I was so surprised when she showed up at the hospital (she lives out of town), to see the…
It’s Been Said…
“You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. “ –Irish Proverb
Pediatrician Visit #1…
The baby is looking a little like a pumpkin. We’re off to the pediatrician’s office. This is really no different than any of our other babies…hopefully, we won’t be doing this every day this week. 😛
A day later than expected, but perfect, and pink, and beautiful. Thank you all for sweet notes and especially prayer. It’s been a long week, and we’re all tired, but she’s absolutely wonderful in every way! I’ll post more a little later. With love,