I wrote earlier today about the DILIGENCE BOARD and the morning chore cards we have created for our family. I’m planning to make a little video a little later today about these cards. Our morning routine cards are a little different than our morning chore cards. The morning routines (especially the printed cards), lay everything out for my children in…
Tag: homemaking
Morning Chores
If you are here for the first time, I’m so glad you stopped by! We are a “larger than average” family. I guess some would consider us a big family. 🙂 I am asked ALL THE TIME how we manage our home so I decided to start a series on this topic. Our home is so far from perfectly clean.…
How We Made a LEGO Cake
Jon wanted a LEGO cake this year for his birthday. A few years back, I made this cake for Matthew. It was A LOT of work. I hand shaped and cut all those LEGOs from fondant (which I hate). This time, I was wanting to do something different- something FUN! I looked on Pinterest and saw some ideas for the…
House Updates
OK…here are the updates! The windows and doors on the back wall are DONE! The contractor will be back on Monday to discuss finishing the underside of the roof on this side and then we’ll talk siding! I CAN’T WAIT. The little window on the end USED to be the back door…it’s going away. We’re turning that little room into…
It’s been a while since I posted anything about our latest home projects. This one has been fun and we are so happy with the results! We have so needed new tables. We were using folding tables from Walmart- four of them seated everyone, and my mom. Of course, I dreamed of new tables (have you seen the tables at…
Laundry Detergent
Y’all know I’m a GAIN girl, right? I love the fresh scent…it always smells fresh like spring, even in the dead of winter (though who can tell, this year?). The price is what I just can’t get past. It’s expensive laundering clothes for this family. I’m always on the lookout for a better deal. A while back, I found this…
Pinterest- Homemade Personal Products
I think most of us have some concerns about the chemicals we use in daily personal care. I’ve been reading up on a few of the most commonly used hygiene products and the list of chemicals will make you a little sick to your stomach! When I came across this recipe for toothpaste, and this recipe for deodorant, I couldn’t…
This Week on Pinterest- Room Deodorizers
I’ve very much enjoyed making our own cleaning and personal products. Following last week’s post on deodorant and toothpaste, we decided to try this recipe for homemade room deodorizers. I happened to have the heart shaped silicon molds. Target almost always has these for a dollar or two in their dollar section at the front of the store. I know…
Sock Day…..
New Sparkle Shoes- Thrifted Finds
Many of you know Emma has had a long-time love for those Wizard of Oz red sparkle shoes. We found her a pair a couple of years ago. Of course, she’s grown and they have not. She wore them proudly, pretty much everywhere we went for that period of time. She’s missed them. I’ve looked for a replacement and finally…
This Week on Pinterest– Pumpkin Pictures (October 2, 2012)
We don’t celebrate Halloween, but I’m a sucker for fall decorations! About a year ago, we screwed little cup hooks into each of the bedroom doors. They are specifically for hanging little seasonal decorations. Just something to add a warm touch to the hall. 🙂 In any case, I loved this idea on Pinterest for fall. (Don’t you just love…
No Spill-Overs!
This is a tip Courtney found on Pinterest…. a wooden spoon placed across the top of a boiler will keep the water from boiling over! It worked amazingly well!! –Just thought we would share! 🙂