Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Each year I’m astonished by how much Matthew changes.

He was a gift to our family during a time when there was much sadness. Paul’s mom had passed unexpectedly.

Matthew’s birth was joyful. It was sweet to watch those who were so sad, looking at his tiny hands and feet, and into his tiny face and smiling once again.

We celebrated his 16th year this past week.

I themed it “Mattnum” since he had a small obsession with Magnum PI this year (which I’m thankful is over, lol!). 🙂

A gifted Hawaiian shirt, a mustache cake, and of course everyone wearing a mustache. He laughed. We all laughed. It was a joyful day!

We took Paul to the airport and then ate breakfast out that morning. Then we visited with my grandmother.

I took he and Ben to a playground where I would visit as a girl. I had hoped we could slide down the huge metal slides they used to have, but they were gone. 🙁 Truthfully, Matt was wondering why I would take him to slide on his birthday, anyway (him being 16, and all). We did visit the place where Paul asked me to marry him and then we went to the dmv where we waited in line for FIVE HOURS for him to take his permit test.

Paul and I gifted him a new Bible and case. Inside was a dedication card that showed where we had bought and donated a Bible to be distributed in China in Matthew’s name. He said it was one of the best gifts he had ever gotten.

He also got a new harmonica (this one in “D”), and an instruction book (the boy can play harmonica!).

It was a *perfect* birthday. (Well, except for having to put Papa on a plane, but we did enjoy our time with him that morning!)

I’m so thankful for this young man!

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